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Who we are

Written by 15 Nov,2015

ASIRT KENYA is a Non- profit organization that promotes road safety through advocacy, education and awareness creation.ASIRT-Kenya is dedicated to the principle that road crashes are predictable and preventable through awareness, education, and advocacy. To realize our objectives, we work through grass-roots partnerships involving governmental and private organizations, Embassies, civil society, the medical community, media and individuals. The organization aims to reduce deaths, injuries and economic losses resulting from road crashes

Our Mission: to reduce deaths, injuries and economic losses resulting from motor vehicle crashes.

Our Vision is to have a road crash free Kenya

Core Values:

  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Commitment to Service
  • Respect for people

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/wwwasirt/public_html/1/templates/businessreport/html/com_k2/default/item.php on line 231
Read 3824 times Last modified on 15 Nov,2015
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