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Written by 16 Nov,2015

To minimize death and injury on the roads, advocacy for more road safety measures is necessary. Advocacy is the act of arguing for action on behalf of a particular issue and the process of influencing, informing and assisting decision and policy makers. ASIRT Kenya has had various engagements with policy makers concerning road safety issues.

ASIRT Kenya in collaboration the International Institute of Legal Affairs (ILA) with other stakeholders is supporting the processing of the Traffic (Amendment )Bill 2014. This Bills seeks :

  • To regulate the speed around schools in order to protect children when crossing the road to and from school
  • To ensure that there are speed-calming measures around schools.
  • To prescribe fixed statutory penalties for offences related to speed.
  • to provide for safety of children in motor vehicles used for school transport by ensuring that vehicles transporting children to and from school conform to prescribed safety standards and are fitted with child safety equipment, design safety features ( See summary and benefits of the Bill Attached)


ASIRT Kenya's advocacy results include :

  • Advocating for publishing of regulation on Helmet law of 2009.
  • Participation in the review of the helmet standard that was facilitated by World Health Organization Kenya and the Kenya Bureau of Standards under the RS-10 project
  • Advocating for adoption of the World Day of remembrance for Road Crash Victims by government on its annual calendar. This has since been achieved and is commemorated every third sunday of November.
  • ASIRT Kenya participated in legislative advocacy of the Midiwo Bill that was merged with the government Bill that produced the Traffic Amendment Bill, 2012.
  • ASIRT holds advocacy workshops aimed at equipping NGOs dealing with road safety with advocacy skills.
  • ASIRT-Kenya continues to advocate for policy and legislative changes in other areas of road safety

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Read 8857 times Last modified on 28 Apr,2016
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